
Hi there and welcome to my website! Before you make that call, I thought it would be nice for you to know a little bit more about who I am and my history in hypnotherapy. My first encounter with hypnotherapy was at the tender age of 10 years old when my mother asked if I would like to be a test subject for a semi-retired hypnotherapist who was working on therapies for children. To say that it was an incredible experience would be an understatement, I became a sort of “sorcerers apprentice” for the next few years and learnt all I could about hypnotherapy and the mind.

It was around 20 years ago that I qualified as a Clinical Hypnotherapist and have since qualified in various other therapies, including Neuro-Linguistic-Programming (NLP).

I initially shared my time between clinics in Ipswich, Norwich and Cambridge but, after being invited to join a therapy practice in the medical centre of excellence in the world, Harley Street in London, I have now made that my base for the last 10 years.

My Best-Selling CD/Download therapy has been The Harley Street Diet as shown below:


It was inevitable that, after so many years in practice, and with so many clients wanting to know if they could use my own techniques to help them in other areas of their life, that a book was forthcoming.

In January 2010, I took a few months out to sit down and write an easy-to-read explanation of how the mind works with a view to the reader being able to help themselves sort out their issues and ailments.

The Instruction Manual for the Mind is now sold world-wide and makes it easy for people who live outside of the UK to help themselves with matters of the mind without having the inconvenience of having to travel to the UK.

It doesn’t matter what walk of life my clients come from, whether they’re a Business Man or woman, Housewife, Football Player, Racing Driver, House Husband, politician …. we all have one thing in common:

“Our problems start in the mind … and then manifest themselves in the physical”

It’s time for you to change your mind!